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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/Welcius on 2024-01-17 10:24:26+00:00.
I have a collection of folders which have several files inside, mostly zip files and unity related stuff, which I want to be able to search using custom metadata: in order to accomplish that, I would ideally like to create a metadata.json file inside a folder (json, ldjson, yaml, etc.) which can have some arbitrary attributes such as: resource_id, title, description, source_url, model_type, thumbnail_image_path...
I would like to find a software that would let me perform searches against those metadata files, ideally being able to display the result items in a grid with thumbnails and the custom attributes I would like to display. It would be nice as well if it would manage the part of creating those metadata files from a GUI, be compatible with network based storage such as google drive and ideally (but not mandatory) to be multi-platform.
Is there any software that you find suitable / can recommend to me? I have tried to find a software but seems like all of them are oriented towards automatic metadata recognition from images, videos, audios, etc. but that's not what I really want since I am going to add that metadata manually.