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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/Alicedoll02 on 2024-01-15 00:18:18+00:00.
I have a music addiction about 8 tb worth.
Last week I bought two external drives at best buy to transfer files over to so I could have more back up's of the data.
I got one hard drive transfered so I thought I would start copying the drive to the other drive I got.
Today I come home and I can see both hard drives on the computer but when I go to open either of them it says.
"The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."
I have no pets, no one else lives with me, and my desktop was off all day today.
Any idea what happened? Did I just have bad luck and two week old drives died at once?
P.S. i checked my other drives I have around and they are all working fine. So assuming just horrible luck? Or did I try to transfer to much at once? Transfered about 200-300 gb of data a day until it broke.