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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/Eternal2401 on 2024-01-14 16:55:29+00:00.
I have 2 USB hard drives with 2tb each. The WD one came with a copy of Acronis "For Western Digital". When I plug in the other one from Toshiba, it's not detected by this version of Acronis. I formatted the Toshiba drive to exFat, and have a backup of my Android on it so I don't want to clone or reformat or anything that would overwrite it.
What's going on here? Does Acronis for WD not support other hard drives, or is the format the problem? What can I do to get an image of my (windows) laptop on an exFat hard drive without wiping it? If it's impossible to integrate the Toshiba drive into my Acronis use in any way what are some free alternatives you'd recommend that support exfat?