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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/nanjero on 2024-01-14 09:12:45+00:00.
I Personally only have 1x 4TB portable HDD that holds pretty much all my data (Files, Pics, PC/Phone backups) etc.
I am aware of the general 3-2-1 backup strategy. But I dont realistically have a 3rd off-site backup place where I can store my HDD. We dont have another family member in the country we are living in so we dont really have another reliable place to just leave a HDD in.
My financial situation is unfortunately not at a place where I could spend monthly on cloud subscription solutions indefinitely and admittedly I am ignorant of cloud solutions but im not very trustful of security on cloud storages. Any tips on this regard would be greatly appreciated. Is there a consensus on the best cloud service for security and reliability?
My 4TB portable HDD is nearing full. Would it be best for me to just get another 4TB HDD since I very rarely have to go back and retireve data from the drive so it doesnt need to always be online like a NAS/DAS from my understanding these are typically for people that have home media servers and they need to constantly be accessing their data?
Transfer speeds are not really much of a concern since when I do large backups I just leave the PC on overnight anyways