So much sadness and pain in one sagittal plane
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Does this mean that he can no longer control his body below his neck? Can someone clarify the body condition?
This is an internal decapitation. Spinal cord completely severed at that disjunction. Best case scenario is quadriplegia. Much higher than this would have been fatal.
"3, 4, 5 keeps him alive."
Its always the drunk crashers that give us drunk drivers a bad rep >:(
Poor guy getting down voted for a gold joke
Nice to see some things never change
Only 25% of accidents are caused by drunk drivers. #DriveDrunk #StopTheSoberDrivers
I think death would be preferable.
Wait, how isn't he dead? Aren't the nerves that make the heart and lungs do their thing get severed if the spine breaks at that point?
Organs can do a surprising amount on their own. Your heart will beat even without impulses from the brain, it just does much differently.
Not sure about the lungs, though. The ~~diagram~~ diaphragm does most of the work there. I don't know how it would act without impulses.
Nah he apparently lived, just paralyzed from the shoulders down.
Any hope for some sort of recovery?
My guess is probably not, this is an internal decapitation guy is lucky to even be alive (if he is).
Not sure I would consider myself lucky surviving that. I think I'd rather die.
He lived. Couldn't feel anything shoulders down.
Probably a stupid question; would they fuse the vertebrae together to avoid further damage or just leave it?
Yes, the patient went straight to surgery to stabilize the neck. However, the damage was already done and he will remain paralyzed.
Thank you! Yeah, I didn’t expect there was any way the damage could be reversed, but left in that state the guy looks one jolt or bump away from death.
Was patient wearing seat belt?
That I don't know. My hunch says I doubt it.
I'm no doctor, but something seems off
I don't wish this shit on anyone. But I'm glad it was the driver and not an innocent person.
Is this the crasher or crashee?
The driver. No one else was involved, thank goodness.
Well then why is everyone saying how sad it is?
This is how every drunk driving episode should end.
Its still sad. Surely you can see that when you take a moment to think about it
Guaranteed OP has driven drunk before but as usual for these types of folks when they use bad judgement they had a damn good reason but when others do it they are subhuman who deserve death and suffering.
Incorrect. I only ever got drunk a very small number of times, and never drove. And I'm way past drinking now. But if that assumption makes you feel better then go off I guess.
There are also people who have lost too many family members or friends, and have lost all empathy for others who would get behind the wheel while smashed.
But that's cool, go off about how they aren't allowed to feel comfort from seeing someone so reckless as to risk the lives of others for the privilege of driving around while smashed get their existence wiped instead.
Maybe before coining them as a monster, try to figure out how much pain and loss it takes for most people to reach such a point.
Somebody gets it.
Honestly I haven't personally lost anyone to this specific thing, but I know plenty that have, and even one I don't know are heartbreaking enough to feel this way.
And given that there is never an excuse or reason they do it, I have zero sympathy for them. Nobody cries when a pedophile out murderer dies. So got the same reason, this isn't sad.
At least not directly. I feel bad for their family and friends, but I'm totally ok with people getting what they deserve. And yes, driving drunk always means you deserve it. Unless there's a gun on you, you always deserve it.
Especially in this case where he didn't hit an innocent. That would be a reason to be sad.
Sad they made the decision that caused it.
Not sad they got the punishment.
Glad it was only themselves.
A few inches higher and life would have been incompatible with this guy.