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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Equivalent-Mess-8417 on 2023-12-16 08:21:27+00:00.
Been really lazy. I feel like I've just been going downhill everyday. I just really don't give a shit about school.
I used to be one of the toppers at the start of the year. Then, I started being addicted to sims 4 and neglected my studies. My grades went down after that. I remember I was so upset that time, like it actually caused physical pain for me. I feel like i was drowning
After that exam though, I feel like i got really demotivated?
I just really want to ignite that initial fire back in me again. But for some reason I just feel really apathetic. My grades this time got even worst than the last. Yet, I found comfort in knowing that 'I was doing OK compared to some of my other classmates' but the truth is, I'm not doing OK. My grades is horrendous compared to my grades at the start of the year. Yet, I don't feel anything. I don't feel sad, I don't feel disappointed, I just don't really give a shit. And I don't know why
Problem is I have a really big exam coming up. I can't let this continue anymore