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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/psychnerdy on 2023-12-11 22:36:16+00:00.
What is your ritual and how often, where and, if not alone, with whom do you practice it? Maybe it is a ritual only for a certain day of the year, or one that you have only done once in your life so far.
A ritual is any repetitive activity with a set sequence of actions that has meaning, symbolism and carries emotionality. Your ritual can be social (gift giving, dances, ceremonies...), individual, transitional (associated with first menstruation, birth, death...) or associated with religion (baptism, wedding...).
I look for the little things, the moments that take you out of the speed of life. All the things you do for your joy, for your development and the well-being of your soul. Maybe you indulge in different smaller rituals throughout the day, like making and drinking your morning coffee. Or a ritual that allows you to lighten your psyche in moments of emotional tension (writing your fears on a piece of paper and symbolically leaving them in the fire). Maybe routine activities that we do automatically come to mind. When we focus on the exact way they are performed, they can become rituals. It is a transition from habitual thinking to ritual thinking.
Is there something you do for your own satisfaction? Is there something that when you do it, you just feel great? But rituals can also be challenging processes, and they can be unpleasant.
I am a student of graphic design and my goal is to collect the rituals of the people around me and put them into a publication that can inspire us all. Be a part of it. Write me anything. Message me or comment and spread this post among your friend, family, please.
PS: I'd love to see a photo of you performing your ritual. Thank you, Laura.