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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/NotSoSnarky on 2023-12-10 04:12:01+00:00.
I will start exercising, do it for a few days to maybe a couple of weeks and then lose any sort of motivation to continue.
I have metal rods in my back, so I'm rather limited with certain exercises, but the ones I want to do, and I start with it, but then I end up stopping and not going back until maybe months later.
I can't lift anything more than 20 pounds. I have difficulty with lowering my body for an extended time. I can do things like squats and different leg exercises. I can take walks, but not for a long time. Something like the treadmill is fine for me. I have some small pounds weights at home. Exercises on the bed seem to work better for me than on the floor. I can do exercises on the floor, just that getting up and out of bed is easier for me than getting up and off of the floor.
I know that a lot of it is discipline, which is something that I seriously lack and have been trying (and failing) to get.