What the hell is wrong with them? Veterans deserve any and all medically determined care. And, we should be treating everyone for humanitarian reasons, citizen or not. My take away here is that we should have universal health care so we don't have misses like this again.
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Yep, just like you. I know it sounds really great because it is! Just look at most other developed countries.
That's not the case.
"Patients in peer nations generally have similar or shorter wait times than patients in the United States for a variety of services, refuting the argument that universal coverage would necessarily result in longer wait times in the future."
Americans also concerned with the increase in taxes
We pay more than those with universal healthcare because we pay for middlemen, advertisements, and other bloat that corporations cause. It would ultimately save us money to ditch the corporate middlemen and have a service that works for everyone:
"Second, we compared extending the current system with the alternative Medicare for All policy, which can save the same number of lives at a cost that is $631 billion lower than the cost of extending the current system."
Even if it wasn't cost effective (it is far more cost effective), it's the morally correct thing to do to treat the sick.
We are already being taxed to death.
And that's because the rich do not pay their fair share. We are taking on a tax burden that the rich unfairly shoved onto us, but that's a different discussion. One that conservatives don't care about as evidenced by the complete lack of post on the matter in this sub.
If i may, i might even suggest that treating the sick is the Christian thing to do. Not that I'm religious, it's just a great sentiment.
If Jesus came back and visited a Trump rally, they would have crucified him a second time for daring to suggest something as communist as "treat the sick".
You're not actually addressing what I am saying, instead you're going off on an unrelated tangent.
"Trump supporters are anti Jesus"
"Trump did good thing"
Trump doing good thing doesn't negate or address the hostility Trump supporters have for Jesus's teachings.
I give you a new commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another” (John 13:34)
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
John 13:35
That link was about Lindsey Graham being booed by Trump supporters for being vaguely progressive in comparison to them.
Have another:
Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.
1 Peter 4:8
I never claimed to be a christian. I used to, but am no longer.
You do realize that Romans is not all encompassing? It is not considered a sin to ignore some laws? Do you think it was a sin when Germans hid jews in their attics instead of reporting them?
Where in the bible does it command you hide people?
the church did little
Today the Democrats are still attacking the jews.
This one isn't even true.
Answer my question. Is it a sin, under Romans, to have hid the jews from the nazis, despite Ceasars law requiring citizens to report jews? If it is, then I don't care for your understanding of sin, and nobody should. If it isn't, then you have no argument about modern migration problems.
So your answer is no, it was not a sin?
I am an atheist too. I don't believe in sin either. My question is not "does sin exist?". My question is, within christianity, would it be considered a sin for german citizens to hide jews from the nazis?
The answer is very obviously no. You can't just use Romans as a gotcha to defend any and all laws that hit the books.
Go ask your priest next time you go to church then. Ask them if it would have been sinful for the german citizens to hide the jews, and failing to uphold Ceasars law.
I am aware. Ask next time you go. Ask them if it was sinful to protect jews from nazi law.
If I did, you wouldn't believe me if I told you they said the exact thing I already told you.
I want universal health care, but I've seen other examples of government healthcare, like the VA, and it is absolute trash, and for that reason I think UHC in America would be a really bad idea.
This is the reason obstructionism works. The VA sucks because it's not funded, because some people in our politics keep voting against it, among other things. This bolsters their own argument that "you must keep health care private, because look how bad government healthcare is"
You can't point at half-assed things that were intentionally neutered and then claim it's evidence a more comprehensive solution wouldn't work
Also Medicare is great. All the senators and house reps love it.
Whats to say that universal health care wouldnt be intentionally neutered?
Because in order to get UHC at all you have to get rid of the obstructionists first ;D Until then, you're not actually getting UHC
ETA: if you're already starting with the assumption that extreme corruption is inevitable in any and all systems regardless of attempts at mitigation then there's no point in anything, as everything will always end in corruption and it becomes "pick your preferred flavor of hell".
So they're concern trolling about a problem they haven't actually found, just because it sounds plausible, and gives them a possible chance to hurt immigrants?
To the Biden administration, the American people are worthless being. Illegal aliens are a much easier sell for votes and the illegals won't question the government, so let the American citizens die off and replace them with illegals to vote Democrat.