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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/interlacedfingers_ on 2023-12-03 03:27:07+00:00.
Open that document and write the title of that book/chapter/article you've wanted to write for months/years now. Put out the gym clothes for your walk/jog tomorrow morning. Open that language learning app and take the first lesson. Click on that dance tutorial you've been saving, stand up and just start.
I just realised I have so many things on my want-to-do list that I think are fantastic ideas but they never materialise, they just stay in my head. This is a message to myself as well as anyone in a similar situation - just start! You don't have to write the full article, even if it's just a working title and the first 2 sentences. If you wanna get fit, don't spend hours, or days making the plan or attempting to make the plan and get tired/demotivated along the way before you even start, just get up and do some fucking jumping jacks. Dont think about how you're gonna launch a whole deep clean operation for your home to leave it spotless with all these fancy detergents you're gonna get and whatnot, just start by clearing the dishes in the sink, or putting all your shoes in one place. Read the first paragraph of that book you've been carrying around. Try out one practice question for your final. Draw out the sketch for your painting. Call that friend or family member you've been meaning to talk to, even if it's small talk for 10 minutes or just text them 'hey'.
Just that the first step, any step, no matter how small, just do something, you'll plan the rest along the way but you must start. You can't afford to wait any longer, you must start and you must start now!