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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/Kozchey on 2023-11-26 18:26:59+00:00.
I turned 34 in the end of October, am a dude. Went out of a terrible pit in the spring, I had to quit booze too. I have a job in IT, that I used to dream about and long for in the past, I managed to not lose it and not die from live failure. I have so many apsects in my life to work on that I feel overwhelmed and not complete, not enough, NOT GOOD ENOUGH - becoming good at the job and learning, losing weight and becoming slim again, and after I become slim again - starting to approach women again.
But I feel too old already, feel like I should have been a way better version by now. I am afraid I will never become a father, afraid of the thought my mother will die some day; I have anger issues; I go for pleasures, but even they don't fulfill me anymore. .... And there is a ton more, but don't wanna make this post long.