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The original was posted on /r/getmotivated by /u/spiderinweb on 2023-11-27 19:02:22+00:00.
Thoughts on what you should have done? what do others think? And more self-critical and guilty thoughts.
Our thoughts can go pretty dark, and they follow around you like a stalker with a deadly negative vibe that can sabotage you from the inside.
This is haunting if we let ourselves identify with them. We listen to the fears of inadequacy just because they won’t shut up.
We believe we really are failures because it’s all we can think about - no matter how much self-helping books, or articles we read. If it was possible for us to be fixed then why do we still feel so broken?
Listen, We are not our thoughts–stop blaming yourself because of what the voice inside your head is saying. I believe, rather than judging yourself with thoughts, see what your actions say.
I bet you take care of your cat when they go through a bad time. I bet you helped that old person to cross the road. I bet you helped your family even if it is every little way.
Yes, your actions show a different picture of you than the thoughts do. I know I can't stop you from judging yourself but at least I ask you to consider all the the evidence.
We all go through a lot daily and those bad situations produce a bunch of dark and unhealthy thoughts. But assuming all those thoughts define who you are is never been true. Your thoughts are not something you are destined to have or begin with.
So never consider those thoughts as your identity and self-image that you don't even want in your head. Instead, observe your actions, and what you have done so far.
Look at the hard work you put in Sunday night, especially on the days you feel like not doing anything. That's who you are. That's the actions forming the future you and that's what you are destined for.
You are that wild ship captain who survives the hard stormy nights. Steering your life every day in the cold and stiff weather at sea. Let me put something straight, you are not the storm, you are the person who steers the ship.
It is easy to believe that people are judging you just as the thoughts speak. But believe me, it's not. They don't see the storm inside you, they just see the steer of your ship. They see the actions you took, the words you said, and the helping hand you give away to people who need your help.
The world sees the actions you choose to be and that's the version the world sees. Not the thoughts in your mind.
I still remember all the actions I had once done. That was hard because those memories create even harder negative thoughts. But we can choose different actions today, better actions that make us proud of ourselves. And these efforts become the pillars that define who you are.
So imagine all your thoughts as ocean waves, they come and go, some can sting like hell but they won't and never last. Because your actions are far more superior than your thoughts. And that is something you can control.
Funny isn't it? You're such a powerful being that the only person who can stop you is yourself
So what actions are you going to pick today?
The original post.