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I've heard people argue it's the correct ruling, but not for the right reasons.
The 14th amendment is rarely used to disqualify people from holding office and every single time it has been used has been in reference to participating in the US Civil War. It's unprecedented to use it in modern times for modern actions, so using it to disqualify Trump requires a lengthy legal argument tying old court rulings and definitions to the modern day. Even if those arguments are deemed to be true in court by legal experts, there's no way the general population of the US is going to understand the nuance. They're just going to think the deep state conspired to keep Trump out of office.
People have already made up their mind on Trump. At this point he literally could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and still win the presidency from a jail cell. The bar cannot go any lower than it is already. If Americans want a dictator for a day, let them have it.