Study shows salt substitutes help to maintain healthy blood pressure in older adults
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Taste issues aside, I believe that MSG still contains significant amounts of sodium, which is the issue with salt.
Molecule for molecule, it contains the exact same amount of sodium.
Edit: this is true but misleading; MSG is a heavier molecule and thus, measuring by weight as you do when cooking, 100 grams of MSG does contain significantly less sodium than 100 grams of table salt.
I've read that MSG has lower sodium content.
For MSG, the amount of sodium is 12.28 g/100 g, and this is 1/3 of the sodium when compared to NaCl (39.34 g/100 g)
source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5694874/
Per unit mass, yes, which is actually the relevant way to measure it in a culinary context. 100 molecules of table salt contain 100 Sodium atoms, just as MSG does, its formula being C5H8NO4Na. MSG is obviously a more complex and heavier molecule though, so if you're measuring by mass, 100 grams of MSG contains (apparently 1/3) fewer molecules of C5H8NO4Na than 100 grams of NaCl.
My bad there, was stuck in chemistry brain.
I'm also not sure about the relative quantities that you would use between the two. Even if you could use MSG as a salt substitute, would you be using more or less than you would salt?