The obvious hand-wave is to charge a capacitor and power the phone from that.
Even if it'd have to be a glorified Game Boy to fit that average power budget. You could do it. There's Cortex M0s that'll go on standby down to the nanoamps. At that point you're running on the idea of electricity. You could power that circuit with an intense stare. They're still up in the low mA for doing anything, but what they'll do there is plenty for Snake.
Yes, but we're talking about mobile phones. The lowest power consumption GSM modules I know of still require ~10mW on the lowest power setting. And that's just for calls and sms, forget background tasks like messaging apps or social media.
The obvious hand-wave is to charge a capacitor and power the phone from that.
Even if it'd have to be a glorified Game Boy to fit that average power budget. You could do it. There's Cortex M0s that'll go on standby down to the nanoamps. At that point you're running on the idea of electricity. You could power that circuit with an intense stare. They're still up in the low mA for doing anything, but what they'll do there is plenty for Snake.
Yes, but we're talking about mobile phones. The lowest power consumption GSM modules I know of still require ~10mW on the lowest power setting. And that's just for calls and sms, forget background tasks like messaging apps or social media.