this post was submitted on 28 Sep 2023
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I found an acer nitro 5 with 1440p display and an RTX 3070ti for a crazy price around ~1000$. It sounds too good to be true and I suspect aggressive corner cutting. Is it an actual crazy good deal? Should I buy it? Should I leave it and keep looking for ASUS deals?

Laptop in question:

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[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I am stuck on a laptop. So waiting for ASUS is better? They do seem to have a premium price tho. I can't find any "killer deals" like this for ASUS. I don't play games on battery, but I do watch movies and youtube on battery a lot. Also I want it to be portable (i.e: not stuck to a power of all the time)