this post was submitted on 28 Sep 2023
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It's Acer, what did you expect?
If you want good cooling on a laptop, go with Asus or Dell.
I can't in conscience see a recommendation for Dell and not complain about my awful experiences with Dell computers. Though, to be fair, my bad experiences have always been related to running Linux on laptops or customizing desktops. Both have not been a good time.
I love my Asus laptop, though. I have the 2021 ROG Zephyrus G15, and it slaps. Runs great on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.
So, not worth it? Would you buy this if it was your money?
Not worth it (at least to me).
I personally am the kind of user that prefers a 768p display on his laptop (i know, really retro).
But i just would rather invest on everything else.
Ideally i would like Ryzen 5 + a 50-tier Nvidia GPU combo, a non-Realtek network chip, and of course, a good quality chasis (Acer does have good models when it comes to feel and shock resistance, but their cooling is always terrible.)