'You make almost $30M': General Motors boss sweats as interviewer comes out swinging
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
/join #antiwork
I love how he implies multiple times that his own pay increase was 'based on performance', implying that he deserves it because he's done well, when workers' collective performance is literally the metric his performance is measured by.
She, but yes
That's what I get for poorly reading the ad-ridden article. Should have just watched the original video posted in the comments.
My apologies for my poor assumption.
Also, notice her insertion of the claim that 92% of her compensation is based on overall performance, as though to suggest that she lives under precarity, just the same as regular workers.
Yet, I feel reluctant to give her any credit for being clever rhetorically. I clearly sense how comprehensively she is apathetic and out of touch.