The Guardian view on ‘unretirement’: older workers could help with labour shortages
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
/join #antiwork
They didn't retire, they were forced to quit work. They're not getting a pension and they're not eligible for sickness benefits.
But you go ahead and fall for the fantasy that it's going to affect the rich people you don't like. That's exactly why they're flying this kite. Mug.
If they were forced out why is there an article about trying to coax them back into work? If they needed to work they would presumably be trying to find work rather than sitting retired having the capitalist class trying to think of ways to make them get back on the production floor. These are people with at least some money.
You really haven't been paying attention, eh?