About us
An open, user owned community for the general disscussion of the libertarian philosophy.
- Libertarianism is the belief that each person has the right to live his life as he chooses so long as he respects the equal rights of others.
- Libertarians defend each person’s right to life, liberty, and property.
- In the libertarian view, voluntary agreement is the gold standard of human relationships.
- If there is no good reason to forbid something (a good reason being that it violates the rights of others), it should be allowed.
- Force should be reserved for prohibiting or punishing those who themselves use force.
Most people live their own lives by that code of ethics. Libertarians believe that that code should be applied consistently, even to the actions of governments, which should be restricted to protecting people from violations of their rights. Governments should not use their powers to censor speech, conscript the young, prohibit voluntary exchanges, steal or “redistribute” property, or interfere in the lives of individuals who are otherwise minding their own business.
1. Stay on topic
We are a libertarian community. There are no restrictions regarding different stances on the political spectrum, but all posts should be related to the philosophy of libertarianism.
2. Be polite to others and respects each others opinions.
Be polite to others and respects each others opinions. We don't want any form of gatekeeping or circlejerk culture here.
3. Stay constructive and informational
In general, all types of contributions are allowed, but the relevance to this community must always be evident and presented openly by the contributor. Posts that do not meet these requirements will be removed after a public warning. Also remember to cite you sources!
4. Use self-moderation measures first before reporting.
This community is fundamentally built upon freedom of speech. Since everyone understands libertarianism differently and we do not want to exclude any kind of content a priori, we appeal to the individual users to block/mute posts or users who do not meet their requirements. Please bear this in mind when filing a report
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Yeah the main problem about gun control issues is the fact that guns exist. As soon as guns started to exist it's just been one huge problem 🤣. These types of problems are always cropping up, but it's just rehashing the dame old arguments over and over and over again. Can't it be boiled down to something like "humans choose¹ to use tool² for the purpose of hurting³ others. What do we do?" #2-We can't erase guns from ever existing, so that's the annoying part because this "problem" could easily be solved if you just unexist the tool that is being used. #1 could be solved by removing human choice or free will. After all, any tool could be used to hurt someone the problem is the free will. #3-if person A shoots at person B, can B fire back? Remove guns from the equation. If A instigates violence against B and person B fights back the who is hurting whom? If 2 people are fistfighting who is right, who is wrong?
All these issues are dealt with so neatly if you start with the foundations of a philosophy. Libertarianism slowly builds a foundation of natural truths and builds layer upon layer to answer these complex questions. Certainly Libertarianism says that violent aggression against persons or property is not acceptable right? And Libertarianism cannot bend the rules when it comes to personal liberty. People are free to act and to own tools -even (and especially) if those tools could be used to inflict harm. It boggles my mind to think the popular culture believes mankind should only be free to do good, or be kind, or say uplifting things, or help others. But not freedom to do bad, to be mean, to say hurtful things, to harm others. Freedom is the ability to choose, right guys? Right?? ... guys...?