this post was submitted on 10 Mar 2025
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I'll say this bit in English first for the benefit of anyone else that's reading: I absolutely do not intend to attempt to justify the suppression of those cultures with my comment. It's fucked up and it lessens the richness of our culture, regardless of who did it. I'm more just wary of a certain current within Scotland of blaming the English for a lot of stuff that we very much did to ourselves, and I think it's good for us to reckon with the fact that it was the same Scotland that we identify with that did (a lot of, not all of) it
Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Gàidhlig ri cùrsa eSgoil UHI (OGE sa Ghàidhlig? Chan eil fios agam). Tha deuchainn agam a-nochd, a-rèist is e seo stuidearachd! Feumaidh mi faclair cuideachd, ach feabhas mi slaodaiche. Bithidh mi toilichte barrachd a bhruidhinn, fiù is ged nì mi mearbhallan. Tha mi airson an cànan a chumail beò
Aye that's fair. We've a weird history with being both oppressed and oppressor simultaneously.
Oh wow, sealbh math dhuit! Tha mi ag ionnsachadh cuideachd ach tha Duolingo ceac. Is dòcha gun cuidich seo:
Dh’fheuch mi Duolingo car greis, ach cha b' urrainn dhomh cuimhnich rud sam bith a dh'ionnsachadh mi. Bidh a h-uile duine ag ionnsachadh ann an diofar dhòighean! Smaoineachadh mi fhathast gu bheil e uabhasach math. Tha e cho so-ruigsinn. Ged a cha robh an dòigh as fheàrr airson mi, is dòcha gu bheil e a’ cuideachadh mòran dhaoine.
Tapadh leat airson an moladh leabhar! Cha bhith iad a’ teagasg na faclan sin dhomh aig na clasaichean. Gu tur gun fheum...