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let's get controversy, maybe.
but bear in mind, that i just startet watching after a long time.
cody rhodes is overrated while iyo sky is underrated.
As someone that stopped watching WWE years ago, never watched much AEW but saw this all happening online, the Cody Rhodes thing makes me feel like I woke up in a parallel universe one day. I've always liked the guy but never in my wildest dreams would've thought of him as a top tier babyface and someone that gets to beat Brock Lesnar clean. Especially neck tattoo Cody Rhodes, I honestly thought he was shooting himself in the foot with that move. Obviously not though.
Not many complaints here lol.
Iyo is one of the best joshi in the world regardless of what WWE chooses to do with her.
Cody is pushed hard but he's also there for the kids. They want him to be the next (less racist and troubling) Hulk Hogan burning himself into their memories and into merch that they'll have for years. I'm 40, he ain't for me, but if it keeps the business going with the kids..eh
ain't for me either. and i'm not from us, which might make it harder to "get".
good point.
oh man, hogan getting booed, felt good.
i loved him as a kid. but damn what a pice of shit.
It was easier to get behind Cody when he quit wwe and hit the indies and then New Japan. Felt cool and he seemed to be a much more dynamic wrestler than he was, but that all started falling away again during his AEW run.
Even before that really, his time in Bullet Club was kind of weird.
It's because he has an idea of what he wants to be and will only accept that thing. WWE wouldn't let him be that character and he had to change things up on the indies, then as soon as he got to AEW he got the character he wanted and quit evolving at all, I kind of liked him when he returned because it was against the never ending Tribal Chief stuff, then it was just the same character as he had in AEW, nothing about him changed except the ring he's in, same music, same outfit, same stupid tattoo, nothing ever changes with him.
I agree with GeekFTW, he's there to try and wash the stink of Hogan and I never thought about but he is kind of a hybrid of Hogan and Cena. Patriotic, loves the kids, and is a total company man.
I have never gotten the appeal of Cody. He's not bad by any means, but he's not great either. His character work is milquetoast at best, confusing and disjointed at worst.
He seems to want to play this working man's man like his father, but he has neither the look nor the background to make that work. It comes off as disingenuous and fake to me even in wrestling.
when i first saw him, i thought he's gonna turn heel now.
i don't know if it is his facial expression, but i think he'd be better heel.
but no, they seem to push him.
His run at the end of his tine in AEW was him acting like he was going to turn heel and then also doing random babyface stuff.