Welcome to the wholesome side of the internet! This community is for those searching for a way to capture virtue on the internet.
whole·some meme hōl-səm\mēm
A meme that promotes health or well-being of body, mind, and/or soul.
A meme that is pure of heart, devoid of corruption or malice, modest, stable, virtuous, and all-around sweet and compassionate.
A meme that conveys support, positivity, compassion, understanding, love, affection, and genuine friendship by re-contextualizing classic meme formats, and using them to display warmth and empathy.
A meme with no snark or sarcasm that displays genuine human emotion and subverts a generally negative meme to be more positive.
Definition of a meme/memetics A way of describing cultural information being shared.
An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non genetic means, especially imitation.
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Must be a wholesome meme All posts must be wholesome memes: uplifting, life-affirming, or nice-ing up a rude meme. Photos or screenshots without superimposed text, as well as social media posts, are not memes.
Be general, not specific Memes should be relatable, with universally uplifting themes. Avoid posts that promote an ideology, religion, or brand over others, & posts that show individuals' politeness without some universal theme. Memes about controversial themes, people, and/or institutions are not allowed either.
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Funnier that this has one single downvote from an account that's otherwise never done anything ever. Like. What the fuck do you possibly have a problem with? Are you taking a moral stance against murder?
Sounds like an acceptable moral stance to me
Yea that was me, but I'm hoping more people fail to detect any wholesomeness here.
Firstly, I'm not a fundamentalist who thinks murder is a justified reaction to a divorce.
Maybe the marriage just somehow didn't work out for them, that is sad and often the result of the super complex dynamics between two people, but it happens. Maybe the man was simply living an unhappy life in that marriage; oh, i know! lets fucking murder him, thats gonna be super wholesome! Or maybe your wholesome murdergranny hates him anyway cuz he is black? Yea, that must be it! Probably racist murdergranny always wanted to murder a black man, and now that she is basically dying, she can finally fulfill her wish in a super extremely wholesome way, yay 🥰
Kinda weird to use two different accounts to chill in the same comments section, but only downvote it once and respond with the unrelated one. Especially since your account joined later and is visibly MUCH more active than the downvoting account.
Idk, as unhinged as it would be for someone to take another person's credit for being Online, my brain feels strangely like I need some confirmation for that. Go get your other account, or this is going to bother me for like a month.
For everything else, I don't...feel like I'm going to argue whether or not merc'ing someone is wrong. It used to be a last ditch way to deal with abusers when divorce wasn't on the table, I know, so I would only be 20% shocked if she weren't joking.
There are people in my life that are much safer to society now that they're dead, and it's always nice to have someone recognize your feelings even if they're just making the remark, so I don't mind murder granny. It is possible to be both horribly immoral and also considerate.
Thanks for adding some context. To that I can only add that I would not have downvoted or criticized this post in a community for abuse victims. I just think it does not fit into a community dedicated to wholesomeness.
I didn't used any other account.
I agree, bad vibes.
On Kbin, yeah.