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I was about to mention Hakim, he is the single most successful left wing persona I have ever seen, albeit he is on the authoritarian left spectrum so it does make sense.
I'm seeing people call themselves hakimists, and other than Bernie Sanders there isn't a liberal/progressive alternative
Also, feel free to reply if you want to discuss the future of leftist influencers
I believe people like Bernie and Hakim have an opportunity to create obvious alternatives to the right as they encroach onto the US, they could focus on diversifying their language options to allow for universal education (such as turkey, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Iraq where I believe socialism is growing and have in fact gained power in parliament)
It'll only happen if others recommend them, however.
Hakim is far left of anything considered in usual American politics and I don't think Bernie is going to be a youtuber or a blogger any time soon
BUT someone could follow his ideals, make consistent news, debate with others of their kind and have events dedicated
Food for thought
Uhhh yeah... I'm not too fond of Hakim's content as he spews largely the same stuff that is paraded here on Lemmy by Marxists (I'd be shocked if he didn't have a Lemmy account even), but i guess auth left > auth right🤷
to play devils advoc—you know what nvm, full transparency I'm a moderate authoritarian so feel free to judge the following according to your own ideals
authoritarianism has colloquially come to be nearly synonymous with fascism but I don't think it should be. things like
are authoritarian stances because they involve control of individuals' actions by authorities
too little control by official authorities often results in power vacuums that give others (usually corporations) de facto control for the worse
I often encourage fellow leftists to reevaluate their stance on authoritarianism after taking this into account
that being said, the corrupting nature of power is an unsolved problem and governments historically described as authoritarian came by their bad reputation honestly. :[
Those things you listed are just regulations though, and all leftists are for more of it. The grey area is when governments start to encroach too much on private enterprises. For example, I don't think it's authoritarian to demand that businesses pay a minimum wage to workers or adhere to environmental laws; however, I do think it's authoritarian to force forfeiture of all private assets and suppress opposition political parties which have been the hallmark of socialism and communism in the past.
Too much state control doesn’t eliminate exploitation, it just shifts it from corporations to an unaccountable government - and considering collectivisation is necessary to achieve the Marxist "dream", it doesn't make the theory any more attractive. I think decentralization and democratic institutions are better solutions to corporate overreach.