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I don't trust China at all, ban all their social media app in the same way they ban ours. I would like the US to be more like the EU in terms of privacy, but China not only doesn't care, they actively try to use that data to screw over people.
Specifically tell me how china is using your data to personally screw you over. And then tell me exactly how Zuckerberg et al. aren't.
I never said that zuckerberg isn't also doing the same thing. There should be a lot more security over our internet data, China we have many reasons to remove their platforms from the US. the Local companies need to be reined in by the government as well.
How about you create robust legislation about data collection instead of banning one app in particular because you don't like the colour of the owners?
Lol that's way more work than the US is able to handle at the moment. I'll take imperfect decisions now rather than hypothetical perfect decisions in the future. Also, you're the one bringing up racism.
I am bringing up racism, as so much of the support for this ban is racially motivated. The Republicans have been using sinophobia as a wedge to whip its own base into a "yellow peril" frenzy, with COVID being the real catalyst.
This isn't an imperfect, but well meaning decision. It's xenophobia mixed with American social media oligarch protectionism.
Whataboutism. Zuckerberg being bad doesn't make China acceptable, and vice versa. Both are wrong and to be avoided at all costs.
It's not whataboutism when the salient point hinges on the country controlling it.
Conveniently the USA has the first amendment (which, admittedly has been being degraded over time) that, at least in spirit, should protect an individual right to publish information (such as ip packets) to another location (such as an ISP) and that other location's right to forward that information to a second location (such as a VPN) that is outside of the USA's jurisdiction.
It's like how banning advanced cryptography is practically impossible and idiotic because it is just a small amount of math. The internet protocol can be transmitted over so many different mediums that all the government could realistically do is create a bigger VPN market.
Would have been easier to say that 'I know nothing about China.'
Username checks out.
Would have been easier for you to see you love winnie the pooh.