Late Stage Capitalism
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Humans have chosen other systems, such as communism. Although that required action and effort, and those systems are arguably worse than capitalism.
Either way, doing nothing other than bitching on line makes it a choice
Communism is not "arguably worse than Capitalism" unless you were of the ruling classes before revolution, like the Tsars in Russia or the Slavers and Fascists in Cuba that worked under Batista, or the Landlords in China. In fact, the dissolution of Socialism in Russia and the implementation of Capitalism led to 7 million excess deaths, and today has skyrocketing disparity and poverty when compared to the Socialist system.
They are not arguably worse than capitalism when it comes to economic systems capitalism is at the bottom of the barrel.
Well, I remember Russians standing in bread lines. You’re probably just finishing puberty.
The wealthiest nation in the world cannot feed its hungry, cannot house its homeless, cannot provide livable wages to its working class. Capitalism is a failed experiment that has failed every time it's been attempted. And here you are trying to argue for an economic system that you are not part of, you are not capitalist, you are being exploited by the capitalist as much as anyone else. The only difference is that you revere your chains.
I remember not long ago cars lined up for 10, 15, 20 miles to get food here in the US. And I'm probably old enough to be at least your father, As you lie there in a state of arrested development.
It is better to feed the poor than to not do so. Insulting the level of cognitive development of someone for pushing back against your statement is, ironically, childish behavior.
Liberals love infantilizing people they disagree with