Late Stage Capitalism
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I think that this bad behavior stems from memories of trauma. Inherited, generational, even genetic.
Imagine surviving a literal famine. Where the only people who didn't die horribly were those who fucked over their neighbors.
It's the kind of thing that leaves a mark.
The solution might be therapy. A year shrooming in the woods.
Nah, it's just greed in this case believe me.
Typically, people owning places like this didn't get it by starting out in a famine
maybe a parent. maybe a grandparent. like I said
for example, habits gained in the great depression are seen in descendants generations later
Maybe, I don't doubt that there are some.
But I've seen way WAY too many assholes like this (first hand included) that just see an opportunity to get some more money and they don't care if they have to squeeze a desperate family.