'Out of control': Cancer surgeon claims UnitedHealthcare questioned her mid-procedure
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Nope, y'all don't need (or deserve tbh, speaking as someone not from the US) a hero. You should try to hold your own government accountable for once; the last time that happened was the Civil Rights Movement I think?
Then the FBI shot MLK.
How about using the wonderful internet and social media to sync calendars so you can all take out the quarter of a toilet break you americans call "paid holiday" and gather up, pool resources in order to make the federal government non functional until things improve. Rather than talking big about grabbing for the literal gun and doing drive-bys. The damn french go for the jugular for as little as government implementing points system for driving liscences.
You don't get it. Most of us get zero paid leave. I had two days, which I thought about taking during a slow week. My boss said you should save them. I got an email on January 1 saying they were gone.