this post was submitted on 06 Dec 2024
673 points (97.7% liked)
Ye Power Trippin' Bastards
583 readers
111 users here now
This is a community in the spirit of "Am I The Asshole" where people can post their own bans from lemmy or reddit or whatever and get some feedback from others whether the ban was justified or not.
Sometimes one just wants to be able to challenge the arguments some mod made and this could be the place for that.
- Post only about bans or other sanctions from mod(s).
- Provide the cause of the sanction (e.g. the text of the comment).
- Provide the reason given by the mods for the sanction.
- Don't use private communications to prove your point. We can't verify them and they can be faked easily.
- Don't deobfuscate mod names from the modlog with admin powers.
- Don't harass mods or brigade comms. Don't word your posts in a way that would trigger such harassment and brigades.
- Do not downvote posts if you think they deserved it. Use the comment votes (see below) for that.
- You can post about power trippin' in any social media, not just lemmy. Feel free to post about reddit or a forum etc.
Expect to receive feedback about your posts, they might even be negative.
Make sure you follow this instance's code of conduct. In other words we won't allow bellyaching about being sanctioned for hate speech or bigotry.
Some acronyms you might see.
- PTB - Power-Tripping Bastard: The commenter agrees with you this was a PTB mod.
- YDI - You Deserved It: The commenter thinks you deserved that mod action.
- BPR - Bait-Provoked Reaction: That mod probably overreacted in charged situation, or due to being baited.
- CLM - Clueless mod: The mod probably just doesn't understand how their software works.
Relevant comms
founded 5 months ago
Oh hey, I started reading the Bible from the beginning and in the first chapter the main character convinced a father to kill his own son then killed almost everyone on earth because he didn't like them. Are those the lessons I'm supposed to learn?
Edit: I skipped ahead a bit to the part where the punishment for having sex with someone who isn't your wife is to be stoned to death. Am I get warmer yet?
What about the part where one of the characters went around and cut off 200 penises from an ethno group he didn't like because the father of the girl he wanted to marry said 100 and he wanted to impress him?
And then Jesus came.
Don't be an ass and cherry pick when you have things like 2 Kings 2:23-25 to show you the grace and mercy of the lord's word.