this post was submitted on 02 Dec 2024
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Buy some whisky. How else are you gonna get 40%?
On a more serious note, I've always wondered how sales work. Does Steam just have the authority to sell your game for a discount or does the dev get a say in that?
Given that some games (Factorio) explicitly never go on sale, I assume you get to choose, though they probably approach devs with offers/info on upcoming platform wide sales.
The dev picks the discount. If it's at least 20%, Steam will email everyone that has the game wishlisted. It costs $100 to list the game on Steam; but if you make $100 in sales, you get that money back.
The dev and whatever other steam accounts they give permission to are the only ones who can decide to put a game on sale.
Adding to the other replies: steam sends you an email a couple of weeks before large sales, to remind you to set up sales if you want to