this post was submitted on 24 Nov 2024
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submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I recently broke my arm and I won't be able to use it for at least a month. I was starting to play STALKER 2 but that's not going to be possible for a while.

Do you have any suggestion for one-handed PC games?

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[–] andrew_bidlaw 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Won't hurt to try that:

Also, Audiosurf, EDGE and most racing games on PC depending on how you are comfortable to play them on KB.

And if you are into adventure books of games, The Walking Dead and other creations of that studio or in that style usually need to select one of the options in dialogue and that's all.

CORRECTION: Mindustry on PC doesn't have all on-screen buttons it has on mobile, particularly pause button, so it'd need to be binded somewhere accessible. Didn't know that. So it's stupidly easier to play on Android (free) with attached mouse than on PC shm.