A petition has been created by an Austrian EU rep. to replace Windows with GNU/Linux in all Europe
A community for everything relating to the GNU/Linux operating system
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No one wants to choose a bad OS environment, it will become one due to security or other non-negotiable requirements.
They aren't going to just toss Ubuntu on a box and call it done. Itll be locked down, limited, and horrible to use. And users who dont know any better will blame "Linux".
A government SOE Linux just isnt going to be a good ambassador for general desktop usage.
Just like windows, except that the misdirected hate when the SOE environment gets in the way will be aimed at "Linux" instead of "Microsoft".
if you read the petition, it's not for a security reason that it has been created but RGPD one... So with privacy in mind, it can be a not great but good distro
No, but it will mean apps get written for Linux, due to market share
Maybe. I suspect most of the government apps will be webapps, and not particularly relevant to the rest of us.
Maybe Firefox will get some funding :D
So they can blow it on functions they cancel :)