this post was submitted on 13 Nov 2024
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He’s sooooo close and yet missed it by a mile. How are our political commentators/class this inept? It’s. The. Economy. Stupid. Identity politics are an issue to those voter blocs - BUT IT IS NOT THE ONLY ISSUE VOTERS CARE ABOUT.
You can’t go up the pyramid towards (identity) actualization without having a firm base - of economic and physical safety. A Latino/black/gay/etc person trying to put food on their family’s table and struggling to make ends meet, is going to view your party as deeply unserious if the only thing you’re offering them is representation and token* allyship. Those things are important, but not the start and end of your platform when reaching out to those voters.
I disagree. I think identity politics is causing a lot of burnout. It might still be relevant but it can't be the single topic for the Dems to rally around. Yes, it's the economy. But to pretend the insane thought policing that occurs on the left isnt exhausting is a failure on our part I believe.