this post was submitted on 13 Nov 2024
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blaming everyone but Harris/Biden for Harris/Bidens choice and a badly out of touch campaign.
You centrists just cannot accept reality and refuse to introspect. Seems like you will try the exact same thing if dems ever return to power. Its miserable being in a coalition with you losers.
They could have literally never campaigned on anything and voting for them against trump would still be the only moral choice, so your attempts to blame them for the moral failings of the 10m who sat this one out....totally insane.
You seem like a "don't blame me I voted for Nader" type of oblivious.
Funny you bring up Nader. You're basically admitting the democrats understood the flaws of the voting system and did nothing to fix the issue.
The democrats preferred trump and losing power over having to compete for your vote against 3rd parties on a level playing field. Almost 30 years of inaction on First Past the Post voting? Unforgiveable.