this post was submitted on 13 Nov 2024
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Imagine not understanding first past the post elections and harm reduction.
The people of Palestine asked us to vote against Trump. But they're not worth listening to. They're not even real.
There is no harm reduction. Kamala didn’t support a cease fire, and she refused to stop the flow of weapons or support. The choices were killing kids fast, or killing them slowly. You don’t get to act self righteous, like there’s a more moral choice there.
Democrats are baby killers.
Uh huh..
You realize there are other issues out there right?
Yeah. Democrats suck at addressing those too. Do you really wanna talk about all the ways democrats are shot human being? Cause all of Lemmy is here for that.
Of course they're shit. Obviously. But FPTP dictates we vote anyway.
DID she really understand FPTP if she wouldn't acknowledge it as a problem?
Yes. It's not a problem for her.
But your question makes me think you don't.. FPTP benefits the two major parties. It's completely illogical to think they would not like it.
Or did you mean that she should've lied about her real opinion on order to get more votes?
Evidently it was a problem for her.