this post was submitted on 15 Oct 2024
482 points (97.8% liked)
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anything spoken is a reflection of the speaker's mind. a tweet is the same it just bypasses the vocal chords
and your ignorant downvotes only serve to illustrate your lack of communication knowledge. any lazy animal can perform a pavlovian reflex like a mouseclick when the subject is not undertstood. the internet has indeed weakened the minds of many while expanding others
Hey everyone, this guy never heard of lying.
oh i hear it everyday from numbnuts just like you
Even you didn't believe your comment
How do you fit deception in to this in a way that doesn't neatly align with /u/riodoro is saying?
if all you see is deception then your mind is closed to reality too far
And if you can't spot deception you'll fall for anything.
Speaking of which, I'm the former treasurer of the planet Kashyyyk - I have several trillion dollars I need to move, but need a contact on planet earth to send me a small transfer fee of twenty dollars. In return, I'll gladly pay you a billion dollars for your trust and assistance.