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I don't feel I've out grown it, in fact I was just trying a new mod pack last weekend, and honestly I don't think that's possible. I'm just saying the primary audience (and the most influencial audience ofc.) is definitely children.
I will look into Vintage Story though, it sounds interesting!
Yeah I can understand that. There was definitely a noticable shift in direction after the buyout, for better or for worse. The game 100% feels much more corporate than it used to. Its definitely not the same small scale indie game that became famous 10-15 years ago
Fucking hell, 15 years. Feels like just yesterday they released the 10 year map. Worse is that it feels like the 20 year milestone is forever away, when in reality it's just around the corner.
Given that microtransactions exist on bedrock edition... I'm guessing not
I think one of the bigger reasons that the modding scene has dwindled is due to competing versions of the game. Bedrock didn't even support mods until a few years ago, and even then it was in a very limited capacity. As such, a whole generation became exposed to and grew up with Bedrock being what they played. Meanwhile, the playerbase for Java Edition slowly lost its playerbase and subsequently their modding community.
That's just how I've viewed it, anyway. I could be wrong, it's been several years since I last played in earnest. I'm sure the game simply just getting older and more modern games replicating--and in some cases even improving--many of its features has also contributed to its decline. Regardless, it's my understanding that the game is still massively popular.