[Playstation Lifestyle] Star Wars Outlaws PS5 Review: A Great Space Adventure
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Looking at this as a casual Ubisoft open world enjoyer and Star Wars IP ignorer, I'm kind of excited to get this in 3 years with the Gold Edition w/ DLC Packs 1-17 after all the bugs have been patched out for $7, play for about 12 hours, then forget about entirely.
I can confidently guess this won't be winning any GOTY awards, but for those who's boxes it ticks are gonna have a great time with it.
I think I’ll play it for free but complain the whole time. The cutscenes look good but the game play looks like it’ll be boring after ~20 min.
I like star wars , but yeah similar boat. Far Cry 3 was real fun the first time, it’s still fun now but I can wait for the star wars coat of paint at a discount.