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I burned out and felt it was super repetitive as well right before this expansion. I'm almost lucky I haven't had time to play just with other life stuff so when I do get a chance it's fun. What your said about the gun pay is correct. Is the best feeling, and sounding, shooter out there for me. I avoid the pvp like the plague. Recently when I get a chance I've been doing the activities on the traveler and trying to solo dungeons. I'm away behind on power level though so that's frustrating. Like still only 1960ish this far into the season... sorry episode cause they're soooooo different /s, so I'm locked out of a couple activities still
I think DOOM Eternal is my favorite in terms of sound design. I wish they'd make a co-op campaign DOOM game. I'm still a bit peeved that Bungie used what has to be a hedge trimmer for the chainsaw sword... That could've been a seriously mean sounding weapon, and I do like it, it just sounds ... less terrifying than it should lol.
I'm with you on avoiding PvP these days. I mentioned in another comment I'm colorblind... and all the effects and stuff, I just can't ever tell what's going on and whether or not something is friendly or unfriendly. The amount of times I've literally walked into an enemy nova bomb or witherhoard AoE is ... too high to count.
Props for attempting to solo dungeons, those are quite difficult... IIRC, I've come close to soloing spire of the watcher but the giant danger chicken at the end has prevailed. I can't say I'm particularly excited to try and get that far solo again ๐
Yes the lament could sound beefier. But my brother and I constantly say "ooh what's that your using" when hearing the gun sound effects. I admit I haven't played Doom Eternal though. Do Shattered Throne dungeon! I've soloed that and Pit of Heresy but Shattered Throne was way easier. Esoterick vids for help of course. The other thing I do when feeling burned out is looking at old triumphs and trying to finish them like X public events on the EDZ, time trials on the moon or Dreaming City. Finding all the cats, eggs, and bones on Dreaming City was cool because you explore places you otherwise have no reason to go. Anyway though I'm not playing much these days it's still the game I return to over and over.