this post was submitted on 11 Jul 2024
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“We hear a lot from our constituents on different issues, but something I’ve heard that doesn’t seem to be getting covered are the Epstein files. These files were released. And, like, Donald Trump is sort of all over this,” Lieu said. “Y’all might want to look at that, because that’s highly disturbing. And again, it shows that Donald Trump is unfit for office.” Lieu also pointed to Trump’s felony conviction for falsifying business records and the finding of civil liability for sexual abuse as indicators he is unfit for the presidency.

Edit: PDF warning! Here is the link to the files:

Source (it was hard to find)

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It's really difficult to prove who did what with Epstein. Between his secrecy and the cover stories, some really did have no idea what he was involved in.

There are others with much stronger evidence, but it's still probably not enough to get a conviction at trial. For instance, Limited Brands founder Les Wexner. Look up the evidence against him. If you can't even convict him, how likely do you think we are to get much on Trump?

[–] pelespirit 1 points 3 months ago

I mean, not really? They had people willing to testify that were harassed until they dropped out. The difficulty is that he runs things like the mob. If you go to the PDF, I found one message that mentions trump (page 110). I couldn't find any other messages but there are around 5-10 that are whited out.

Harvey Weinstein, Trump and David Copperfield, what a shitty club. Fergie is in there too, so weird. Also, Ghislaine was convicted.