this post was submitted on 30 Jun 2024
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Fuck...ok story time. So while I've been gaming, 1993ish, I sucked at gaming as a kid. By the time I got to the PS2 (having been a Nintendo and PC kid/teen) FFX was my first FF game since 2(4). By the time I got maybe half-way into the game I ran into some kind of stumbling block that I couldn't beat and ended up using a gameshark to make my way easier.
Kept going fine with little problems until I got to the fight with Kimahri and his bros where you fight the two of them. I forget the exact combination of 'uh'oh that triggered shit but since their health was, iirc, based on his health, their health was much....much... higher than mine. It took me about 3.5 nonstop hours to finish the fight.
Pressed on with the game, got to the end, got past Seymour, Yunalesca, made it to the final battle with Yu Yuvon. The phase where he would make you fight your own Aeons or copies of them or whatever it was: I had no capability to knock them out. The gameshark codes I set up included resurrecting your fainted Aeons. Every time I'd knock one out, it was auto-res'd. It was too late to be able to remove the code as well, any attempt didn't fix shit. Game was unbeatable. Fucked myself right up my own arse.
Have bought the game like 4-5x since than counting the remastered and did finally finish it but fuck I was a dumb kid lmao
Lol holy shit! I didn't have a GameShark back in the day so I had no clue they could screw up a game like that!
Oh yeah. It's basically directly injecting new data into the consoles RAM on the fly, shit can fuck up easy if you don't think things through beforehand.
hornless! hornless!