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@wintermute_oregon My problem is when you use your own body to harm another body, like a 6 year old child, or a fetus
@wintermute_oregon We're all a lump of cells. Doesn't mean that you or I should be killed.
@wintermute_oregon I think we both support human rights, where we differ is when it comes to what is and isn't a human being
*Civil War flashbacks lol*
There's no good argument for why a fetus isn't a person that doesn't fall into either ableism or ageism, which can potentially justify killing people who have already been born. There's a reason you didn't really try to make one here.
Only mental gymnastics can justify abortion.
And there lies the actual problem. Is a fetus a person or not?
@Blamemeta Yes. A person is a living human being. Fetuses count.