A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
A community for Lemmy users interested in privacy
To help anyone dealing with Ms crap -
get Win10 LTSC. It gets updates 2x/year, has very minimal bloat. (Or Win11 LTSC if that's what you want).
Then get O&O Shutup to reduce bloat even more.
And you can permanently license it using Microsoft's own scripts.
Scripts on Gituub.
There are some tools to ensure Recall is fully un-installed and blocked. Group Policy will definitely prevent it from ever running, and LTSC is a Pro version, so Group Policy functions properly.
Just going linux is way easier
Keyboard drivers need some work though
Do you have examples of issues? The only hardware incompatibilities I've ever experienced were with my VR headset.
I never head a keyboard issue on linux can you elaborate?