this post was submitted on 09 Jun 2024
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I'd watch SG-1, then Atlantis. Except one crossover episode in later SG-1 seasons there are references to it here and there but both should work on their own.
Alternatively you could go SG-1 S1-S8, then watch entirety of Atlantis and then go back to SG-1 S9 nd S10. In many ways those seasons might as well be different spinn-off. Due to reasons this is how I mostly experienced it and worked fine.
Also, when you reach Stargate Universe - go into it with open mind and no expectations. S1 will give you whiplash in how different it is but it gets more Stargate in S2. Gets really good towards S2 end (which is right where it got cancelled).
Actually felt stargatey toward the end
Shift started at the beginning of S2 but really kicked in the second half. It was still different to previous entries, but the spirit was back
You could see the studio interference go away and they got to make the show they wanted to.
I hated Universe when it first came out, but I gave it a proper go last year and really loved it. The Battlestar Galactica comparisons are valid, but still great in its own right.
This was me. I didn't make it past S1. Came back with 0 expectations and looked at it as a completely standalone show, it was fairly good in S1 and got much better in S2 and got the Stargate spirit as a bonus.
I remember bejng hype when it released and really wanting to watch it but ended up not keeping up after a few episodes. Did a rewatch a few years ago and man I didn't give it as much of a chance as I probably should have, did it right after a bsg binge so was in that type of mood.