Firefox user loses 7,470 opened tabs saved over two years after they can’t restore browsing session
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Yeah there's no practical way to manage thousands of browser tabs in your workflow, that's just digital hoarding.
I wish we could resurrect his session just to see how many tabs were duplicates.
Or how much porn they were looking at
7470 tabs of porn, duh
Even if you had a system that could ... the average mind isn't able to process and remember that many items of data ... there's a reason why they came up with seven digit phone numbers decades ago ... most people are capable of recalling on average about seven numbers in a sequence ... anything beyond that takes more training ... anything beyond about a hundred things takes years of memory training ... and anything beyond a thousand things is a one a million freak ability combined with training.
O one one eight nine nine nine, eight eight one nine nine, nine one one nine seven two five.... three!