"At least our free countries don't have morality police controlling what people can wear" - "Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they don't exist... maybe they're just better dressed and better hidden... they don't have to control what you wear if they can control what you see..."
A quick and dirty meme after seeing the latest updates. Saimin? Really? But 50SOG with its dubcon (at best) is fine? Hmm.... I wonder why. u/kaigyuu2016 would probably have a field day with this.
I mean, I'm no fan of ryona/guro myself, but I don't go around telling others they can't access it (even if they might need a bit of Touhou Jesus after that).
Then again, I guess when you have money and monopolistic/duopolistic power in a market/industry, you'll try to reshape what society can see according to what you think is right... just like Steam.
I wrote some time ago that "this isn't stopping at looks = age, but going beyond that. It's anyone's guess where it'll stop."
If they don't stop at saimin... what's next, timestop?
u/Jaggedmallard26 nailed it pretty well... "You can launder money from drug cartels so they can buy heavy weaponry with a bank but god forbid you use their service to see a titty."
My condolences to our German weebs, though.
Basically the major credit card companies are forcing their puritism and morality onto others. They are forcing these services that host nsfw content to remove or hide it or they won't be allowed to use the credit card services. That's where the big debate of censorship comes in. Where its okay to see violence but god forbid you see a boob.