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When the liberals want to ban weapons protected by the 2nd amendment from lawful citizens, it’s about control.
Since most the murders happen in democrat cities. How about they don’t try to tell us how to lower murder rates ? Maybe if they didn’t defund the police and honor criminals, that might me a good start.
It’s weird liberals think they have a solution when their examples have shown otherwise.
This idea that democrat cities are where the murders happen has been wrong for 2 decades:
I like how they to gloss over the deaths in the red states that are mainly in the democrat cities. lol.
Are you drunk?
No the article was garbage. It tried to avoid the topic and move the goal post. It laughably a bad article.
Drunk mods think they can control truth, man fuck this place.
Here is a real article on the topic
I see. It's because of George Soros and soft on crime prosecutors. Does anyone really believe that?
Nobody is drunk. You just posted an article that is a dishonest as any lefty. The truth is blue cities are violent places. Why I never go to one without a gun
How the fuck did you become a mod?