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Look at you, swallowing Nazi propaganda as truth.
Big shocker there.
Tell me again: which candidate hosted white supremicist and Christian Nationalist Nick Fuentes at their home?
You know you're lying. It isn't fooling anyone.
No idea. Those seem to be groups you associate with as you know all about them. Were you in attendance at the meeting?
I hate to Google the meeting. It appears Kanye brought nick fuentes to dinner with Trump. Trump didn’t know who he was and neither do I. After the meeting Trump disavowed Fuentes and spoke out against him.
So much to do about nothing. Typical for you.
Totally reasonable to bring noted anti-semite Kanye West to dinner.
You make a great point: he only meant to invite ONE guy who said he loves Hitler to his house. Here's another big-boy gold star: ⭐
Genuinely, how does this guy constantly spam this brazenly uncivil and dishonest crap, and you guys never do anything about him, but you throw bans at conservatives at the drop of a hat?
Lmao not my fault you deserved it 🤷
Dont like it when your echo chamber is permeated with truth?