this post was submitted on 22 Mar 2024
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Again, this stuff has been in multiple capcom games, and it hasn't impacted anything. Nothing on re4 was devalued by its microtransactions either. It's fine. For other companies that actually make things grinder sure, maybe. But this one just doesn't do that. Which people might know if they paid attention.
Honestly, people are just looking for an axe to grind. I'd love to see this effort towards companies that do mass layoffs or something instead. But this case is totally inconsequential
You claiming it didn't affect anything doesn't make it reality.
It's fundamentally not possible for it not to change the design process of a game. Literally every game ever made with micro-transactions has been affected in one way or another, unless the first time the idea was discussed was after the game was shipped. "Just cosmetics" guarantees cosmetics that would have been earned with gameplay get taken away to be put behind a paywall, and all of the exploration and discovery involved in earning them is gone.
All microtransactions make games worse, and all microtransactions are bad.
Even things like valve’s key systems in TF2/CS?