Top 5

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founded 3 months ago

  1. 75.000 years old

  2. 51,200 years old

  3. 45,500 years old

  4. 39,000 years old

  5. 28,000 years old
  1. Aliens: Because who needs a pet that can teleport away with your food, communicate with you solely through interpretive dance, and has a home planet to return to (with your car keys and favorite socks)? Not to mention the intergalactic paperwork and visa issues!

(Also, imagine trying to explain to your neighbors why there's a UFO parked on your lawn... "Oh, it's just my pet Zorvath, don't mind the probing lights!")

  1. Rhino: A pet that can charge through your living room wall, snort snot rockets onto your favorite rug, and eats more than a Costco shopping cart can hold is less than ideal. Not to mention the horn-related holes in your drywall you gotta explain to your landlord. Oh and the constant need for hoof trimming appointments! And good luck fitting them into a cute little pet carrier for vet visits... "Uh, I think I'll just need a forklift and a crane, thanks!"

  2. Cassowary: Basically a mini t-rex (might be a pro idk). Large, loud and loves to kick (A lot like your aunt after a few drinks at ebery family gathering). A temper worse than your teenager while sharing the same hairstyle. Don't forget the potty training requiring a firhose and a sacrificial lawn.

  3. Giraffe: Might get its neck stuck in your chimney which would be a hassle. Constant ceiling damage. And the annoying 'who ate the last acacia tree' arguments are gonna get annoying real quick. Might need a second mortgage to finance his appetite.

  4. Brazilian Wandering Spider: Who needs a pet that's more likely to wander onto your face while you sleep, has a venomous bite that'll make you wish for a peaceful death, and has a habit of hiding in your shoes like a tiny, toxic landmine? Imagine the terror of finding them in your breakfast cereal. Impossible to snuggle too.

Top 5 tests (
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
  1. Testing on the live production system by the users
  2. Automated Unit tests
  3. Manual tests (with help of a list of tests in an Excel file)
  4. Automated Integration tests
  5. Automated System tests
  1. Street photography
  2. Low key photography
  3. Long exposure photography
  4. Experimental photography
  5. Portrait photography
  1. Rickenbacker 4003
  2. Music Man Stingray
  3. Ovation S778 Elite Special
  4. Fender Jazz Bass
  5. Contrabass

1: 1

2: 7

3: 68

4: 287191715

5: 324

Top 5 Espresso Drinks (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
  1. Espresso
    Richest in flavour, very honest, if you don't have a top batista preparing it, don't order it. If prepared correctly it's sweet and nutty.
  2. Flat White
    Best of both worlds, perfect milk to espresso ratio, bolder flavor than the classic latte or capuchino.
  3. Espresso Tonic
    Perfect for warm summer days, sweetness and tardiness from the Tonic water marries perfectly with the espresso
  4. Caffe Latte
    The classic, the sweetness of the milk covers bad flavors when you can't get a good espresso. Order it in bad cafés.
  5. Capuchino
    Another classic, rich and foamy, just make sure they don't overcook your milk.
  1. Mao Zedong - 47 milion - People's Republic of China 1946-1976
  2. Adolf Hitler - 14 milion - Europe 1938-1945
  3. Joseph Stalin - 13 million - Soviet Union 1922-1952
  4. Chiang Kai-shek - 11 million - China 1928-1946
  5. King Leopold II - 10 million - Congo 1885-1908
  1. Krupniok
  2. Kapuśniak
  3. Modro kapusta
  4. Golonko
  5. Kreple
Top 5 baby toys (
submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
  1. Music table
  2. Mobile
  3. TV remote controll
  4. Food
  5. Ball
  1. Bass
  2. Violin
  3. Drums
  4. Marimba
  5. Guittar